Mobile App Design
Micromania, the leading video games reseller in France, has developed a catalog on tablet of goodies during the summer of 2016.
Goodies are often collectibles, so it is not rare to struggle to find a dealer with stock. The application provides the customer with a catalog updated daily with availability, product details and prices of what he wants.
The application also allows the customer to build a basket from another tablet in the store, whether physical products (games in boxes) or numeric (DLC, Season Pass, PSN subscriptions, etc.) in order to checkout faster.
After a brief with the client, I establish a wireframe to explain how I envision the navigation within the application.
It is at this stage that we have considered combining the catalog of derivatives and that allowing to visualize the customer basket.
Design & Development
After some customer feedback, as well as internal validations including Sony and Microsoft, the wireframe and the design are validated.
The development of the application, conducted by Azur Mobile, finally begins.
In a test version initially in a few shops, tablets are delivered to sellers.